Category Archives: Solutions

Microsampling: Can We Use Technology in Healthcare? It Is Time To Push For These Changes

23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Pre-Conference Workshop – Microsampling

Sponsored by New Objective

Melanie Anderson, Merck

“Focus on the North Star, the patient” – Melanie Anderson, Merck

Melanie is focused on the patient and how to improve healthcare, through microsampling techniques and improved clinical trial data.  With the onset of the pandemic, we have had to rethink the way we practice healthcare and clinical trials, especially those that are at high risk, i.e. sick children and oncology patients.  Melanie suggests that we can improve patient care through remote sampling, alleviating the need to travel to a medical center – even long distances – to participate in clinical trials.  As well, pharma makes decisions based on data, so improvements in data will lead to better decisions.  With all of the technology that we have already, why do we think of and implement different ways to move forward with healthcare and clinical trials?

Considerations on Top Down Proteomics – Development of Diagnosis Tests for Patient

7th Annual Brasilian Symposium on Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis (CPSA BRASIL 2020)

Proteomics Session Coordinator – CPSA Brazil 2020
Rafael Melani, Ph.D. from Northwestern University

“The development of new technology… of one specific protein can (lead to a) new diagnostic test.”

A passionate explanation of the love to help develop science and methodologies, even in little steps, to increase understanding of human disease with relevant biological knowledge. Technology continues to improve, and Top Down Proteomics (analysis of intact proteins) has developed into a technique that can be used to identify proteins that are involved with complex diseases, such as Cancer described in this CPSA Everyday. Much like people in society, proteins interact in networks working together, or possibly not working in unison. Understanding the complex protein networks help identify disease pathways that lead towards improved health outcomes for patients – with improved data to build relevant biological knowledge.

Proteomics Session Coordinator – Rafael Melani, PhD

Prof. Gilberto Domont, Emeritus Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Luca Fornelli, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Biology, The University of Oklahoma, OK

Roundtable Contributors
Carlos Kiffer, MD, Ph.D.
Marc Chalom

Paediatric Centric Sampling: Why So Many Blood Tubes? Why So Much Blood?

CPSA Everyday Conversation

James Rudge, Neoteryx

James describes a passionate story about development of pediatric centric sampling devices and workflows to relive the stress for young children.   Often, just a visit to the clinic can be stressful for a sick child – why do we have to take such large blood volumes?  James describes a kit that can be used at home, collecting a small sample, allowing parents to be involved.  The field of micro sampling continues to grow, finding several ways to improve the patient experience.  Neil Spooner and James Rudge continue to discuss the current situation and developments with pediatric centric sampling devices, making a difference in many peoples lives, most of whom you will never meet.