Category Archives: Portable

Count On Me – Putting Home Testing for Children into Practice

CPSA Everyday Conversation

JJ Kim, Nottingham Children’s Hospital/University of Nottingham

“It’s really about what patients need, and (what) your colleagues need. And listening to them.” – JJ Kim, Nottingham Children’s Hospital/University of Nottingham

JJ Kim delivers a presentation on the development of CountOnMe, and the care taken while working with patients and at home micro sampling.  He describes a survey and system of feedback that can be used to improve education and for increased engagement with patients.  During this CPSA Everyday, he discusses that the best results come from actually listening to the patient, and not only the contributions from the 1% of the community that pushes out a test or result.  Also, he finds that microsampling is not just a replacement for a hospital visit.  He asks the questions:  How can we use micro sampling to demarcate needs and to give patients more independence? And how do we truly understand a patient’s condition and need?  This is what JJ and his team are evaluating, with continuous feedback from patients, and persistence to what is needed next.

The Patient at the Center: Ways to Make Patient Lives Better

Program Chair – 23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Melanie Anderson, Merck

“What I love about CPSA is that it continues to ask the questions, what are we trying to do? And where is it that we are trying to go?”- Melanie Anderson, Merck

“Why are we taking 6 mL when we can take 100 µL?” – Melanie Anderson, Merck

With the pandemic, the design and execution of clinical trials has become more challenging.  Melanie asks the questions – “What are the ways that we can make a patient’s life better?”,   “What would be a better treatment?”  and “What can we do differently?”  Healthcare has fundamentally changed in the face of the pandemic, creating new challenges and opportunities for patients in clinical trials and their treatments.   Melanie puts forth a discussion on engaging patients to understand their needs – while building capabilities like telemedicine and at home microsampling.  We can work together to help change parts of a larger healthcare system, ultimately serving to improve patient care.

Microsampling Is Well Established. Now It’s Just A Matter of How We Implement It!

23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Pre-Conference Workshop – Microsampling

Sponsored by New Objective

Enaksha Wickremsinhe, Eli Lilly & Co.

“Easy to understand unhealthy, how do we understand healthy?” – Enaksha Wickremsinhe, Eli Lilly & Co.

Microsampling in patients is already an established method, but how do we increase adoption and integrate into current workflows?  Enaksha talks about how we are all patients, and that we all have or will ride the healthcare train.  Our goal is to stay healthy, but often we only visit the doctor’s office when we are sick.  Enaksha describes a world where microsampling plays an important role in describing health – possibly sampling at home – instead of only going to the clinic or doctor’s office when we are sick.  Ubiquitously implementing these new processes using existing, mature technologies has gained momentum – but it has and does take a village to get it done.