Conducting Inpatient Clinical Research During a Pandemic

23rd Annual Symposium on Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis (CPSA USA 2020)

Mary Ann Diliberto, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

“We need to find better ways to connect to get work done.” – Mary Ann Diliberto, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Marry Ann Diliberto describes many of the challenges for clinical research since the onset of the pandemic.  During March 2020, all clinical research stopped, creating difficulties for patients and important studies.  In Mary’s group, they had over 25 studies, managed by 15 staff members – all had to be shut down.  She describes the feeling and thoughts during the onset of the pandemic:  When can we resume research safely and efficiently?  We need to be helping these patients.  We need to be able to see the patients!  After these initial challenging times, Mary and her teams have worked together to implement new protocols and systems, within the reality of the new normal.