Count On Me – Putting Home Testing for Children into Practice

CPSA Everyday Conversation

JJ Kim, Nottingham Children’s Hospital/University of Nottingham

“It’s really about what patients need, and (what) your colleagues need. And listening to them.” – JJ Kim, Nottingham Children’s Hospital/University of Nottingham

JJ Kim delivers a presentation on the development of CountOnMe, and the care taken while working with patients and at home micro sampling.  He describes a survey and system of feedback that can be used to improve education and for increased engagement with patients.  During this CPSA Everyday, he discusses that the best results come from actually listening to the patient, and not only the contributions from the 1% of the community that pushes out a test or result.  Also, he finds that microsampling is not just a replacement for a hospital visit.  He asks the questions:  How can we use micro sampling to demarcate needs and to give patients more independence? And how do we truly understand a patient’s condition and need?  This is what JJ and his team are evaluating, with continuous feedback from patients, and persistence to what is needed next.